Rabu, 20 Januari 2016


Posted By: Unknown - 23.59


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Awug cake is one of the traditional pastry dish that comes from the land of Sunda. But over time, the cake is becoming known to other areas due to the large movement of people who move from rural to urban areas and begin his luck in the culinary world that make urban communities began to recognize the culinary delicacies from other regions as well as the countryside. However, unfortunately many people who have tasted the cake awug, but forgot the name, so when they asked if've ever tasted this cake or not, they will begin confusion, but only after the cake is served in front of him, only then can they say has been see, taste or even the cake has become one of his favorite cake.

The cakes were made from rice flour and brown sugar melted stuffing middle section is being threatened, even it is not impossible if we continue to let, traditional pastry dish will disappear and be forgotten. Because today, people's purchasing power is more likely dominant against goods or foreign products with packaging and brand more attractive so as to make local food is becoming increasingly lose its place in the community, is no exception with a cake awug.

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